. Legal ethics

A sad day in the world of legal ethics

Professor Ronald Rotunda, a legend in the field of legal ethics, has passed away at the age of 73 from complications of pneumonia.  You can read a bit about the man here.

I disagreed strongly with Professor Rotunda’s politivcal views, but when it came to the world of legal ethics he was amazingly influential, highly intelligent, and more-often-than-not correct in his analysis of those matters.  (In fact, about the only times anyone ever had a chance of trying to demonstrate that he was incorrect on an issue of legal ethics were cases in which   I can see his Legal Deskbook on Professional Responsibility from where I sit,.

It is undoubtedly true that there are a relatively small number of truly invested, truly credible experts in the world of legal ethics.

That number is smaller by one with Professor Rotunda’s untimely passing.