. Legal ethics

Coming to praise rather than to bury – West Virginia edition

Some, including possibly me, will argue that the greatest thing to come out of West Virginia is the My Brother, My Brother, and Me podcast.  But today, I write about another very positive contribution out of West Virginia, a very good, very thorough ethics opinion that overflows with common-sense with respect to social media issues for […]

. Legal ethics

Bad ethics opinion or worst ethics opinion? Tennessee 2014-F-158 edition

Actually, unlike some other posts in this category, this title’s not even close to reflecting a serious question being asked.  Slapping that tile on this post is more of a crutch.  The ethics opinion I want to discuss here is miles away from even being in the conversation among the worst ethics opinions.  It really isn’t […]

. Legal ethics

Coming to praise rather than to bury (Part 1 of 2)

For a change of pace, I write today about a very well constructed ethics opinion out of New York.  (To keep this positivity train chugging along for at least one more day, my plan for tomorrow is to discuss a federal court decision out of Florida impacting attorney ethics that is also praiseworthy and that […]

. Legal ethics

Bad ethics opinion or the worst ethics opinion? Iowa 15-03 edition

Inspiration, like corn, comes from Iowa today.  It’s time again for a little game called, is this a bad ethics opinion or the worst ethics opinion?  The Iowa State Bar Association Committee on Ethics and Practice Guidelines self-nominated by issuing Op. 15-03. Before I make enemies of a few Iowa lawyers that I have no doubt […]

. Legal ethics

Bad ethics opinion or the worst ethics opinion? – Ohio 2015-2 edition

Let’s play a little game called:  Bad ethics opinion or the worst ethics opinion? Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Ohio Board of Professional Conduct issued Opinion 2015-2 about whether/how a lawyer presenting at a legal seminar can distribute brochures to prospective clients and whether the lawyer can answer legal questions posed by the […]