The Attorney General of the United States is a member of the Florida Bar. She also appears to be someone about whom real, substantial questions can be raised about her honesty given a recent television appearance. Many years ago, Kelly Conway, acting as a Presidential advisor, went on television, spewed a fairly obvious lie and […]
An “alter”nate topic today
It is, of course, tempting to want to post about one of the largest law firms in the nation going full quisling and bending the knee in response to an unlawful Executive Order targeting it. Instead, I will point you to this very well written piece by a fellow ethics nerd based in Wisconsin: Lawyering […]
This next stretch of time would likely be hard enough for many folks to get through if nothing else troubling was going on in our nation. This is the stretch of time where we will be reminded time and time again of the five-year anniversary of events that changed, for many irrevocably, our lives because […]
Before launching into the substance of this post, I wanted to briefly acknowledge that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the existence of this blog. In the 10 years that have gone by since I put my first post into the tubes, I have written 583 more posts likely spanning at least 750,000 and perhaps […]
Corruption of Blood
You may be familiar with the term in an entirely different context than today’s post. Sometimes it is fun to just write about something light and less significant than certain other topics. Such is the state of the world when I can say that about a state supreme court opinion in a brutal, first-degree murder […]
The fascist tide in the United States is moving so fast it is difficult to keep up with it. Spending what feels like the appropriate amount of time trying to digest what is happening, and figuring out what can be done about it, can be extremely deleterious to mental health and overall well-being. And yet, […]
The world is already an exceedingly difficult place. Yet, I continue to seem to think it makes sense for me to spend time thinking I can influence how Texas goes about thinking about legal ethics. There should probably be a DSM-V category for this behavior, but oh well I am doing it again. (It’s probably […]
Given the state of the nation, it is very difficult to write anything about legal ethics that isn’t also about politics. So, I’m not even going to bother to try this week to come up with something that isn’t. Among the parade of daily horrors to the rule of law happening in the last 3 […]
Unfortunately, it seems clear that he will have no trouble finding ones willing to do his bidding. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they […]
Apparently, when you are the Tennessee Supreme Court that might just be something you are powerful enough to do. For a variety of reasons over the years, I have refrained from writing anything here about the Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program. During the course of my career, there have been times I have been a huge […]