Legal ethics

Being a lawyer is testing, becoming a lawyer still shouldn’t turn on passing “a test”

Yes, I know. The gap in content around here is inexcusable. Every week or so I should at least post this gif to keep people interested. Today though we offer content. We are spurred to drop all the other projects and write because two things happened today. First, of local interest, the results for the […]

Legal ethics

The idea of an independent DOJ also died today.

It feels very “fiddling while Rome burns” to write about the legal ethics implications of today’s Supreme Court ruling that has the potential to have ended core concepts of our Constitutional Republic just 3 days before what would have been its 248th birthday, but legal ethics issues are things that I am more than qualified […]

Legal ethics

Generating more Generative AI content

It has somehow been a minute since I’ve written any updates on anything in the world of Generative AI issues. That hasn’t, of course, been because things haven’t been happening. They have. And even today I found myself as part of yet another panel presentation on the ethics issues surrounding the rise of the use […]

Legal ethics

Anti-discrimination v. anti-diversity

It has been a while since I have written anything here about ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) and efforts to adopt variations of it at the state level anywhere. Part of why that is the case is that there hasn’t (to the best of my knowledge) been many developments of note to write about. Part of […]

Legal ethics

Texas Op. 701 – half right is still wrong.

We aren’t doing “Bad Ethics Opinion or Worst Ethics Opinion” only because it is Texas so grading has to be on a curve. But we are still going to take a Texas opinion addressing whether a Texas attorney can offer a “subscription model” of legal services to task. Opinion No. 701 issued during May 2024 […]

Legal ethics

New York States of Mind

Let’s end 2023 on a high note, shall we? Governor Hochul must be high. She just vetoed a bill that would have finally ended New York’s requirement that New York lawyers have to have an office in New York. Yes, you heard that right. Despite all of the talk in the legal profession of the […]

Legal ethics

Fifth Shortcircuit on AI?

It is very hard to get very far in any sort of “end of year” evaluation of legal ethics questions without talking about the rise of generative AI, how to use it ethically, and what its rapid (and continuing) development will mean for the practice of law. I’ve written earlier this year about the unfortunate […]

Legal ethics

Welcome to a new type of post

We will call it: An update on something I could have sworn I wrote about but didn’t. After some events in Tennessee that I did write about, a number of petitions were filed to seek to enact some changes to rules in Tennessee related to the admission of attorneys. The first filing in the series […]

Judicial Ethics

The Bare Necessities

Let’s just blow past the usual excuses when I go this long without posting and jump right in instead. Ok? Great. Today, the United States Supreme Court has adopted and released a Code of Judicial Ethics to which they say they will adhere. You can read the whole thing here. Having written a few times […]

Legal ethics

A Bridge Too Far to Terabithia

(If the pop culture reference doesn’t automatically make sense to you, you can scroll to the end for an explanation.) In addition to representing lawyers and law firms over the years, I’ve also represented quite a few law students during their application and admissions process and had to handle a few Show Cause hearings where […]