Legal ethics

Corruption of Blood

You may be familiar with the term in an entirely different context than today’s post. Sometimes it is fun to just write about something light and less significant than certain other topics. Such is the state of the world when I can say that about a state supreme court opinion in a brutal, first-degree murder […]

Legal ethics

Libertarians + Access to Justice = Change?

First of all, I know I am long overdue for new content here. There have been quite a few things that caught my eye that I wanted to write about, but there were so many to choose from it got into a weird, overwhelming, and highly unusual sort of “writer’s block” situation. Second, some anniversaries […]

. Legal ethics

You would have thought it would have been with Houston, but still…

Some interesting news today in the intersection of legal ethics and sports.  (And technically this makes two straight posts dabbling in that space.)  You might recall seemingly forever ago that I posted about a very short lived partnership between the ABA and a company called Rocket Lawyer.  If you don’t remember anything about that, you […]

Legal ethics

Obviously, there really is such a thing as bad publicity.

So, earlier this week I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a seminar put together by Bloomberg Law that focused on the risks and benefits for lawyers in speaking to the press. I think it was a pretty good panel presentation, it was free of charge to attendees, and I believe you […]

. Legal ethics

Second chance to play Peril!

Allow me a short promotional post that can (almost) be justified as a public service to lawyers (at least some Tennessee ones). This past Tuesday I did the first of two presentations of the 2021 Ethics Homeshow. We go again next Tuesday at 11:30 central. If you still need an hour of CLE credit, you […]

. Legal ethics

Following up after shouting into a void.

This is not really a “new content” post. With luck, I will have one of those later this week. This, however, is a follow up about something from last month. It is the best sort of follow up because it is prompted by the process of sifting back through the past year to prepare for […]

. Legal ethics

Then I went and slept on Arizona

So … as far as 400th posts go … this should be my best 400th post at this blog. A while back I warned everyone not to sleep on Arizona when it comes to movement toward radically reshaping the regulatory landscape for lawyers. Apparently, I should practice what I preach because Arizona’s Task Force on […]

. Legal ethics

I always knew I’d be headlining music festivals one day.

That’s not true at all. I never even imagined I’d be the headliner at a music festival. After this year’s AmericanaFest in Nashville though, everything has changed. Well, that’s actually still pretty misleading as I was not the headliner at AmericanaFest. I did, however, get to be a speaker during AmericanaFest, as part of a […]

. Legal ethics

What’s happening in Vegas this week?

So glad you asked. Let me tell you, and tell you why, despite the tried and true adage, it needs to not stay in Vegas. Later this week the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers is having its mid-year meeting in Las Vegas, and we are dedicating our entire programming to a theme: The Future of […]

. Legal ethics

A recipe for ethical lawyering?

Now that the Ethics Roadshow is complete in all of the cities where it was staged, I want to repackage the main idea from this year into a post and make a similar ask of my readers that I made of the attendees as to feedback on the point. The title of the Roadshow this […]