Before launching into the substance of this post, I wanted to briefly acknowledge that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the existence of this blog. In the 10 years that have gone by since I put my first post into the tubes, I have written 583 more posts likely spanning at least 750,000 and perhaps […]
Tag: RPC 1.5(e)
Infrequent readers will know this pun structure is one that I have no shame in running into the ground every time it is relevant. Frequent readers will know I am far too willing to break the fourth wall here. So just for background I had resigned myself to writing a post on Friday about the […]
The Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility of the ABA has been on something of a bit of a “spree” when it comes to the issuance of ethics opinions. (At least, it feels like it.) In the last 18 months, it has issued 10 opinions. The most recent one is ABA Formal Op. 487 […]
Friday follow up: Yesterday’s post
Well, this may be the most rapid Friday follow up in this blog’s history. A wise and well-connected reader has been in touch to let me know why my analysis yesterday of NYSBA Op. 1160 was all wet. He was, of course, right as I somehow managed to blow past a very important piece of […]
In a New York (out-of) state of mind…
It has been a minute or two since I’ve stumbled upon an ethics opinion that provides a quick and easy example of how to take an issue, makes it overly complex and in so doing highlight several ongoing problem areas in the regulation of the profession, but ultimately still get to the correct result as […]
Last week, the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued its latest formal opinion – Opinion No. 16-474 addressing the topic of “referral” fees under the ABA Model Rules and, specifically, the intersection of Model Rule 1.5(e) and conflicts requirements under Model Rule 1.7. Along the way, the opinion also stakes out […]