I’m writing from Boise where tomorrow I’m delighted to have the chance to speak on legal ethics for the Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association. (I’m also delighted that the weather is unseasonably warm at the moment.) Last year I had the chance to do a similar presentation for the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference. Prosecuting attorneys […]
Author: Brian Faughnan
So, this week’s biggest news in terms of the role of artificial intelligence in the practice of law is the rollout of a new, free AI product from ROSS Intelligence. The product is called EVA, and you can read all about it here. The short version of it is that when the other side files […]
TIKD off my list.
Some day I’m going to get tired of having pun with TIKD titles, and you’ve probably already gotten tired of me doing it, but today is not that day for me. I was looking to find something to be able to easily write about today before scrambling out of town for some speaking engagements and […]
Friday follow up: This week flu by.
Apologies for the lack of content this week, been down with the flu since Monday afternoon. Two short items by way of follow up today worth highlighting with a hope of resuming this blog’s normal, sub-par output next week. First, word has come out that the former Florida Bar President made the subject of the […]
Sometimes titles for posts are tough to come up with, sometimes they are far too easy. This is one of the latter and is offered both with a spirit of tongue-in-cheek silliness and because it is a truly perfect seven-word summary of a recent disciplinary case of note. It is, of note, at least for […]
Nothing like the day after a holiday weekend to pose a difficult, potentially controversial, question, right? But when the holiday weekend in question is one to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this particular question is certainly topical. This is a post I have had rattling around inside of my […]
In February, I will have the opportunity to be part of a panel discussion in Vancouver, Canada at the mid-year meeting of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers focused on privacy and client confidentiality issues. We will discuss quite a few interesting topics, including something that likely isn’t on the radar of as many U.S. […]
“No. No you’re not.”
So, you may recall back in October 2017 I had an itch and intended to write about a lawsuit in Pennsylvania that would fit in with the recent (seemingly) increased willingness of lawyers to sue other lawyers over their ads, but since I was beaten to the punch, instead I gave you a pointer to […]
I have been meaning to do this and am long overdue in getting to it, but you might recall back in the summer of 2017 when I wrote pretty extensively about the contents of the Oregon Futures Task Force Report, and its positive proposed changes to the ethics rules. If you don’t, you can read […]
So what does 2018 hold in store for us?
It’s a new year and, of course, for many that means a time of reflection and goal-setting and much talk of how the new year will be different from the prior year. I will spare you much of that because you can find that all over the Internet. I am prompted to post today (in […]