I know it really hasn’t been that long (a little over two months ago) since I wrote on here to trumpet the APRL proposal for a new ABA Model Rule 5.5. If you missed that, it would help a lot to go read that post first. Here’s a link. I’ll wait right here until you […]
I fairly regularly represent people in proceedings in front of the Board of Law Examiners, and as a result, I have a bit of a running list of “grievances” with aspects of how that body conducts itself. At times where I have matters pending before it, it becomes difficult to spend too much capital speaking […]
Yesterday, June 20, 2022, was the inaugural federal Juneteenth holiday here in the United States. Far too few lawyers and law firms acknowledged it like we do other federal holidays by … you know, closing and not requiring people to work that day. Admittedly, some federal holidays are not fully observed but given the rampant […]
So, earlier this week I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in a seminar put together by Bloomberg Law that focused on the risks and benefits for lawyers in speaking to the press. I think it was a pretty good panel presentation, it was free of charge to attendees, and I believe you […]
Rare but not unprecedented.
So, apologies all around. For those seeking out new content from me, I apologize for the brief hiatus. For those who hoped I’d stop at 500 posts, I apologize because for not stopping. For the first of what I hope will be at least another 500, let’s talk about a recent disbarment action that involves […]
500: A Multimedia Extravaganza.
So, in my most recent post, I ended by acknowledging that there was a milestone upcoming and that it seems like a circumstances creating odd pressure. I have now managed to do this for more than seven years and by my best guess there is roughly 500,000 words of content on legal ethics now available […]
Things You Stone Kolb Can’t Do.
So, today’s post involves an ongoing (recently initiated in fact) disciplinary matter. Accordingly, the details available are based entirely on the one-sided positions set out in the disciplinary complaint. The ABA Journal has run a story about it, but once again, it first got on my radar screen because of discussion over at The Legal […]
So, this is an issue that states continue to “struggle” with from time to time, and the latest I am aware of is Vermont. Michael Kennedy has alerted the public to a pending proposal in Vermont that is now out for public comment that would require Vermont lawyers to disclose on their annual registration statements […]
Yesterday was potentially a very big day in the world of lawyers and clients. I am very pleased to report that yesterday the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers released a proposed overhaul of Model Rule 5.5., called on the ABA to take action to adopt it, and disseminated a very thorough and detailed Report explaining […]
As the title indicates, Tennessee – like almost all states under a Republican stranglehold – is currently experiencing a wave of legislative efforts to roll back progress on civil rights while also trying to make it difficult to vote them out of office by … making it more difficult for minorities to vote and have […]