Legal ethics

Can you just “nuh uh” civil rights violations?

Apparently, when you are the Tennessee Supreme Court that might just be something you are powerful enough to do. For a variety of reasons over the years, I have refrained from writing anything here about the Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program. During the course of my career, there have been times I have been a huge […]

. Legal ethics

A cautionary tale of sorts for solos

It was many, many years ago (almost exactly 5 years ago) that I wrote a bit about how important it can be for lawyers who have solo practices to have contingency plans in place in case something suddenly happens to them in order to provide a way for their clients to be protected. As we […]

. Legal ethics

The thing about the re-regulation of the practice of law …

. . . is it really could go either way. It could make things better or it could make things worse. It truly depends on who ends up doing the re-regulation and what motivates them along the way. What is prompting the need to say this sentiment out loud today exactly? Well, cynical types might […]

. Legal ethics

Lawyers out there losing their goddamn minds.

Apologies in advance for the fact that today’s content is going to be something of a mishmash or stream-of-consciousness type of presentation, but it’s where the brain is at based on the events of the last 48-72 hours. (Loyal readers will likely wonder why I think a mishmash is any different than the normal presentation.) […]

. Legal ethics

There will be discontent.

The title of today’s post is an inside joke in that it makes reference to this post from what feels like years ago now. As these are not particularly humorous times at the moment, it will be the only attempt at humor. Professionally, I’ve had a pretty good week. I didn’t get what I wanted […]

. Legal ethics

A tale of two signature issues.

There are certain things that ought to be ingrained in lawyers that they know they cannot do. Maybe we could reach agreement on all of what should be on that list of things, but that task is far too ambitious for any Friday, much less this Friday. I would hope we could agree that an […]

Judicial Ethics

Hoosier overseer?

If you are a reader of legal publications or legal blogs, you’ve likely already read something about the nightmarish night out in Indiana that resulted in two state court judges being shot and three state court judges being disciplined. You can read all of the underlying facts if you’d like in the decision that was […]

. Legal ethics

Nearly four years later… and I’m making that James Bond reference this time.

So, if any of you are still around these parts after I’ve gone some 12 days without writing any content, then you are in for me dredging someone up that I previously wrote about on June 30, 2015. An attorney named Rodger Moore. Rodger Moore. And he was suspended for the practice of law for […]

. Legal ethics

Not all who wear capes are heroes.

This really is just too absurd not to write about.  The absurd story commanding my fingers to tap these keys today involves a lawyer who managed to blow some significant aspects of the fundamentals of being an ethical lawyer.  You may have seen the ABA Journal online story about the now-disbarred lawyer whose absurd story is commanding […]

. Legal ethics

Far too often anger begets violence both by, and against, lawyers.

I failed again as a blogger last week and do not have anything resembling a good excuse.  There is a lot going on in the world that is troubling and last week was simply a week where it felt like writing anything that was not about how our country has become okay with putting children […]