The Attorney General of the United States is a member of the Florida Bar. She also appears to be someone about whom real, substantial questions can be raised about her honesty given a recent television appearance. Many years ago, Kelly Conway, acting as a Presidential advisor, went on television, spewed a fairly obvious lie and […]
Tag: First Amendment
It has been a while since I have written anything here about ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) and efforts to adopt variations of it at the state level anywhere. Part of why that is the case is that there hasn’t (to the best of my knowledge) been many developments of note to write about. Part of […]
Beyond disbarred in Colorado
Stop me if I’ve said this before … but I’m a bad blogger. With that out of the way, here is something exceedingly rare and that caught my attention — a court ordering that a lawyer, who had already been disbarred, was now no longer entitled to even file things in court on a pro […]
I know from years of representing lawyers that when you are facing sanctions against you it is awful difficult to spend much time thinking about things other than what is going to happen to you. So, although there are a lot more important things going on in the world right now, today’s content is just […]
So, I’ve been starting and stopping a post about the most recent ABA Formal Ethics Opinion to be released. Partly, because the opinion is a bit pedestrian generally involving weighing in on a situation that is largely always an “it depends” on factors that are hard to spell out in an ethics opinion and partly […]
So, the reasons secret recordings will always happen in “one-party” recording states is that they get to the truth. Lots of people do not like them though. And judges absolutely loathe the notion of being secretly recorded. They do not like them so much that sometimes no matter what the secret recording reveals they will […]
Doubting Thomas.
An alternate, much longer, but likely much more salient title for this post is “What’s a democracy supposed to do when a sitting United States Supreme Court Justice is okay with democracy being threatened?” That’s right kids, today we are going to talk a bit about judicial ethics and remind everyone that we currently do […]
There are a lot of dumpster fire situations going on these days that have direct or indirect relationships to legal ethics. Frankly, there are too many to make it easy to decide which ones to think it makes sense to spend time writing about here. There is the seemingly evergreen issue of Donald Trump continually […]
This is a question I’ve asked in the past. It is not instinctively an easy question to wrestle with. It can easily boil over into various slippery-slope arguments and accusations regarding risk of inviting concepts of the “thought police” and the like. But another news item invites the question back into the arena for further discussion. This ABA […]
Bad judgment leads to bad judgment.
A Tennessee disciplinary matter has made some national news this past week, so what I am writing about might be something you’ve heard about already. It involves a Tennessee lawyer who has been given a 4-year suspension from practice, with one-year of active suspension for providing advice over Facebook to a woman about how she […]