. Legal ethics

Three for Thursday?

Can that be a thing? I’ve fallen down on the job of being a reliable blogger and I’m not sure I’m getting up any time soon. I think I’ve continued to manage to be a decent lawyer, pretty good expert witness, okay husband, mediocre father, and generally non-evil human being. But I’m failing as a […]

. Legal ethics

Lawyers out there losing their goddamn minds.

Apologies in advance for the fact that today’s content is going to be something of a mishmash or stream-of-consciousness type of presentation, but it’s where the brain is at based on the events of the last 48-72 hours. (Loyal readers will likely wonder why I think a mishmash is any different than the normal presentation.) […]

. Legal ethics

Utahlking real reform? Yes, Utah absolutely is.

Infrequent readers will know this pun structure is one that I have no shame in running into the ground every time it is relevant. Frequent readers will know I am far too willing to break the fourth wall here. So just for background I had resigned myself to writing a post on Friday about the […]

. Legal ethics

Pennsylvania wins the race to be first with COVID-19 ethics guidance.

I’ve lived in Memphis since 5th grade at this point, but I was actually born in Pennsylvania. I’ll heed all the guidance making the rounds of social media about not sharing information that might be a security question somewhere and won’t tell you what city. But a part of my heart will always be in […]

. Legal ethics

There will be discontent.

The title of today’s post is an inside joke in that it makes reference to this post from what feels like years ago now. As these are not particularly humorous times at the moment, it will be the only attempt at humor. Professionally, I’ve had a pretty good week. I didn’t get what I wanted […]

. Legal ethics

Cute story? No. Chance for Cutestory reference? Yes.

♫ You’re a crook, Captain Hook / / Judge, won’t you throw the book at the pirate… ♫ For me, much as I’m certain it likely is for you, it is now “Day Something” (I’ve lost track) of surviving a pandemic. I hope that you are doing all that you need to do to both […]

. Legal ethics

There will be content.

So, it is March 20, 2020. We don’t know much about much in terms of what comes next. Stress and anxiety are most folks constant companions at the moment I’m certain. (And I bet a lot of you weren’t expecting the need to tech competence under the ethics rules to come at you quite this […]

. Legal ethics

Change seems like it never comes … right up until it does.

So, I’m not a public health expert and I try to pride myself on not talking too much about conversations to which I am unable to meaningfully contribute. Thus, I’m not going to purport to speak directly to how to be dealing with the pandemic looming over everything. I’ve been doing what little I can […]

. Legal ethics

Late to the podcast party.

As a white male in my mid-forties, it was probably inevitable that I’d end up with an appearance on a podcast since an unfathomably high number of podcasts are showcases for my demographic to espouse their views on things. While I’m a bit late to the party (46), my turn has come around. More seriously, […]

. Legal ethics

Lawyers continue to struggle with tackling online negative reviews.

Today’s topic come up again for two different reasons. First, because the North Carolina State Bar has put out a new proposed ethics opinion seeking public comment about the topic. Second, because it was also discussed at one of the presentations made at the APRL mid-year meeting a week or so ago. As the title […]