The Attorney General of the United States is a member of the Florida Bar. She also appears to be someone about whom real, substantial questions can be raised about her honesty given a recent television appearance. Many years ago, Kelly Conway, acting as a Presidential advisor, went on television, spewed a fairly obvious lie and […]
Tag: RPC 8.4
An “alter”nate topic today
It is, of course, tempting to want to post about one of the largest law firms in the nation going full quisling and bending the knee in response to an unlawful Executive Order targeting it. Instead, I will point you to this very well written piece by a fellow ethics nerd based in Wisconsin: Lawyering […]
A quick and also rare weekend post because I’ve been tied up a bit and am about to be tied up again and unable to post for a week or so. I’ve sallied forth at length here about what I see to be pretty disingenuous attacks based on First Amendment arguments against adopting ABA Model […]
So, I’ve been starting and stopping a post about the most recent ABA Formal Ethics Opinion to be released. Partly, because the opinion is a bit pedestrian generally involving weighing in on a situation that is largely always an “it depends” on factors that are hard to spell out in an ethics opinion and partly […]
Or maybe we should title this post “Do Not Accept Payment” instead. So, a long time ago I wrote about some of the very good work that was being done by the folks associated with the “chat bot” app DoNotPay. If you do not remember any of that, you can refresh through this link. The […]
We here at this blog try not to write about things just for clicks or that revolve around stuff that simply every regular lawyer would know not to do. But the world demands exceptions sometimes, so here I am today addressing a story that popped up right before Turkey Day and that might help suppress […]
Some days the inspiration kicks in and other days it most certainly does not. If this were Instagram, I’d likely try to spout some sort of perspiration to inspiration platitude. But this isn’t, so I won’t. I will though write about two items that somehow caught my attention this week and even though I can’t […]
Rare but not unprecedented.
So, apologies all around. For those seeking out new content from me, I apologize for the brief hiatus. For those who hoped I’d stop at 500 posts, I apologize because for not stopping. For the first of what I hope will be at least another 500, let’s talk about a recent disbarment action that involves […]
Things You Stone Kolb Can’t Do.
So, today’s post involves an ongoing (recently initiated in fact) disciplinary matter. Accordingly, the details available are based entirely on the one-sided positions set out in the disciplinary complaint. The ABA Journal has run a story about it, but once again, it first got on my radar screen because of discussion over at The Legal […]
Some lighter fare for today but you are stuck with the cringeworthy title. I have a stack of important potential topics to write about, but the ABA Journal online today reeled me in with their headline on this story (“Litigants claiming GEICO auto policy covers STD from car sex can’t proceed anonymously, judge rules.”) and […]