Legal ethics

R.I.P. – NJ Advisory Ethics Opinion 745

Before launching into the substance of this post, I wanted to briefly acknowledge that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the existence of this blog. In the 10 years that have gone by since I put my first post into the tubes, I have written 583 more posts likely spanning at least 750,000 and perhaps […]

Legal ethics

Texas Two (proposed ethics opinions) Step

The world is already an exceedingly difficult place. Yet, I continue to seem to think it makes sense for me to spend time thinking I can influence how Texas goes about thinking about legal ethics. There should probably be a DSM-V category for this behavior, but oh well I am doing it again. (It’s probably […]

Legal ethics

Another GAI ethics opinion & more

Among the topics I have been regularly addressing in presentations during 2024, including here at the end of year rush for CLE credits, has been the ethics issues associated with the rise of Generative AI. The core presentation I have done now almost 10 times has been a constant evolutionary process as things have rapidly […]

Legal ethics

Two brutal 2024 ethics opinions highlight the need for reform.

Over the last couple of years, as a result of my involvement with APRL, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a group of smart lawyers to seek to advance reform with respect to the status of Model Rule 5.5 and, more recently, am involved similarly in trying to start the process of reform for […]

Legal ethics

Texas Op. 701 – half right is still wrong.

We aren’t doing “Bad Ethics Opinion or Worst Ethics Opinion” only because it is Texas so grading has to be on a curve. But we are still going to take a Texas opinion addressing whether a Texas attorney can offer a “subscription model” of legal services to task. Opinion No. 701 issued during May 2024 […]

Legal ethics

Bad Ethics Opinion or the Worst Ethics Opinion? Massachusetts edition

Let’s play a blogpost game we haven’t played in a long time. (Yeah, I know, you’re saying to yourself … well that could be anything since you took all of March 2024 off buddy. A month or so seems long, but it’s actually been almost 7 years since I whipped out the “bad or worst” […]

Legal ethics

One bad apple spoils bunch? Ethics opinion edition

I’m sure you are familiar with the idiom “One bad apple spoils the bunch” or in some parts of the country “one bad apple spoils the barrel,” but probably not in the context of legal ethics opinions. Someone could (or has) already written versions of posts applying that idiom to lawyers generally and perhaps unethical […]

Legal ethics

Breaking? BPR Issues Two Formal Ethics Opinions

With little to no fanfare (and in fact I only know they came out because I happened to go look on the website out of curiosity), the BPR has now issued the two opinions it had put out in draft form for public comment earlier this year. Both of these opinions were adopted on August […]


Some bad news, some good news, and some “just news.”

All, Just a PSA. Do not get COVID. It is no good. Very bad. You don’t want it. I managed to go all the way to August 2023 without ever getting it, but I came back from Denver with it earlier this week. It sucks. If you are traveling, I’d suggest you mask up. I […]

Legal ethics

505 and 506 are not the ABA’s best.

So, for a variety of reasons, I’ve stewed over whether to write anything about what (before yesterday) was the most recent ABA Formal Ethics Opinion to be issued. That opinion was ABA Formal Op. 505 and presents itself as an opinion on, among other things, whether the ABA Model Rules permit the charging of any […]