Almost exactly three months ago, I wrote about what I considered to be a very disturbing ruling in a lawyer admissions case in Ohio. If you missed that post, you can read it here. I’m pleased to write, in follow-up today, that the Ohio Supreme Court has ultimately gotten to the correct outcome – it […]
Tag: Unauthorized Practice of Law
I’m really, truly not trying to fall into the habit of only managing one post a week. As proof, here’s a post about a Tennessee lawyer who couldn’t/wouldn’t follow the rules. It is a fascinating case study for at least two reasons. One is that discipline for conflicts of interest is, all things considered, relatively […]
Ridiculous from up close and far away.
I have some real-world experience in trying to help lawyers already admitted in at least one jurisdiction obtain admission to practice here in Tennessee. My state’s system now is still less than ideal but not necessarily in a way that makes it strikingly more problematic than is the case in many other states. (In the […]
A lot of the time, saying something seemed “inevitable,” only makes sense to say when you’ve had the benefit of hindsight. At some level, every outcome can be justified as having been inevitable when you are doing the justifying after the event has already happened. I say that to make clear that I understand the […]
TIKD off my list.
Some day I’m going to get tired of having pun with TIKD titles, and you’ve probably already gotten tired of me doing it, but today is not that day for me. I was looking to find something to be able to easily write about today before scrambling out of town for some speaking engagements and […]
Friday follow up: This week flu by.
Apologies for the lack of content this week, been down with the flu since Monday afternoon. Two short items by way of follow up today worth highlighting with a hope of resuming this blog’s normal, sub-par output next week. First, word has come out that the former Florida Bar President made the subject of the […]
Sometimes titles for posts are tough to come up with, sometimes they are far too easy. This is one of the latter and is offered both with a spirit of tongue-in-cheek silliness and because it is a truly perfect seven-word summary of a recent disciplinary case of note. It is, of note, at least for […]
So what does 2018 hold in store for us?
It’s a new year and, of course, for many that means a time of reflection and goal-setting and much talk of how the new year will be different from the prior year. I will spare you much of that because you can find that all over the Internet. I am prompted to post today (in […]
Something TIKD this way comes.
So, about a week ago, the Florida Bar and The Ticket Clinic (a Florida law firm that somehow can manage to keep the lights on by specializing in representing people regarding traffic tickets) were sued in federal district court by something called TIKD. TIKD is, at heart, an app for your smart phone. The lawsuit […]
I was given an opportunity to provide a Legislative Update piece in the Spring 2017 issue of TortSource a publication of the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section. The focus of the Spring 2017 issue is “Evolving Legal Markets” and, although the authorship is Tennessee-heavy, I think you will find all the articles to be […]